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Honey Ant Dreaming

Yaritji Young, 2019

"Honey Ant Dreaming" by Yaritji Young

Commissioned for the 6 Parramatta Square lobby, the concept to ‘Dare to Dream’ is powerfully encapsulated in this mural ‘Honey Ant Dreaming’ by Yaritji Young. This is understood quite literally with the painting’s energetic composition and bold palette coupled with the indigenous arts long-held connection to depicting their dreaming. Artist Yaritji Young is a celebrated member of the Tjala community and this is her largest and most ambitious work to date. Her vibrant, uncompromisingly contemporary painting portrays her traditional Country surrounding Amata in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunyjatjara (APY) Lands of far north South Australia.

Yaritji Young’s work offers a unique representation of land, spirituality and rich family history; particularly the interpretation of the Honey Ant Dreaming a vital creation story for the Pitjantjatjara people. Her impressive use of bright, luminescent colour reflects the stunning landscape and sky of her Country combined with vigorous brushstrokes that seem to dance across the canvas. These qualities form a bridge between her Country and the site where the painting will be enjoyed by the Parramatta community; the buzz of activity mirroring the arduous work of the honey ants.